The Oceania Celebration was Saturday Nov. 20th & 27th (Noon-3pm PT), 2021. Watch it now on Facebook and YouTube live!

We are so honored to share the cultural stories, performances and conversations for the OCEANIA CELEBRATION digital events centering the Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian People. NOVEMBER 20OPENING WELCOME  The Oceania…

Continue ReadingThe Oceania Celebration was Saturday Nov. 20th & 27th (Noon-3pm PT), 2021. Watch it now on Facebook and YouTube live!

MediaRites and Theatre Diaspora Co-present the virtual Oceania Celebration of Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian Performing Arts Nov. 20th & 27th

MediaRites and Theatre Diaspora have partnered to present a virtual celebration of Pacific Islander performing arts in “Oceania Celebration” on two Saturdays, November 20 and November 27, 2021, from noon to 4pm online for families and youth.  The celebration’s mission is to bring families together to engage in the stories of Pacific Islanders and to highlight local Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian artists and cultural communities in Oregon. 


Continue ReadingMediaRites and Theatre Diaspora Co-present the virtual Oceania Celebration of Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian Performing Arts Nov. 20th & 27th

Being Me in the Current America Selected to Screen as The BronzeLens Festival in Atlanta

2021 BronzeLens Film Festival – The Virtual Experience: Connecting the Culture, Creators and Content, will take place on over six days beginning Tuesday, August 17th, and concluding on Sunday, August…

Continue ReadingBeing Me in the Current America Selected to Screen as The BronzeLens Festival in Atlanta