The Panelists

Joseph Barron Ph.D, Children’s Program, is a licensed psychologist, he draws from these interpersonal-process and cognitive-behavioral frames when conducting assessment, providing treatment, and advocating/interfacing psychologically with helpers in the community. Desiree Basile, Youth Era, Director of Programs – Youth Leadership, full time at Youth Era as a trainer for peer counselors as well as with Wraparound and Peer Plus doing training for youth peer support. Eleanor Gil-Kashiwabara (moderator), Licensed Psychologist – Luminosa Psychological Services, is a licensed Psychologist at Luminosa Psychological Services and the mental health counsultant for The –Ism Youth Files. Rebecca Cohen, West Sylvan School Counselor, has for the past two decades served as a counselor for Title 1, Dual Language Immersion, Private Boarding Schools, Public K-5, Middle School, High Schools and even as the Director of Disability Support at Reed College. |