Niko Boskovic is 21 years old and lives in Portland, Oregon where he attended high school and graduated in June of 2019. Before high school, he was homeschooled and underwent a lot of therapy to treat his autism, but the thing was, he never really needed most of it. While he was minimally-speaking, it became clear once he learned how to communicate that he was quite intelligent and had been paying attention all along. Since that time, He has dedicated himself to writing about life as a low-speaking autistic, and finds that he is best able to express his lived experience through poetry. Niko is a columnist for Spectrum Life Magazine (https://www.spectrumlife.org/blog), and writes a monthly blog for Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities (https://www.ocdd.org/nikos-blog/). He loves presenting at disability conferences, especially when there are parents in the audience. He has had poetry published in Montana Mouthful (2020); Lunch Ticket’s Amuse-Bouche: Spotlight (2019); In Parentheses Magazine (Fall 2020); The Pointed Circle (2021), and Kind Writers Magazine (August 2022).